Patch fix. 27.07.24


We present you a list of changes included in today's patch-fix:

– Fixed an issue related to dialog with Consultant Pavlov. Now it’s working correctly.

– Fixed an issue with the «Ice» artifact disappearing after it was crafted. Missing artifacts will be automatically compensated in a few days.

– Fixed an issue related to dialog with Clans registrator on Airport location. Now it’s working correctly.

– Changed the spawn points of the defending side on captures:

  1. Respawn points inside the base do not have a safe area.
  2. Added respawn points in the capture zone outside the base area. These points have a safe area that works similar to the attack campfire safe area.
  3. Changed the total number of defense respawn points on some bases.

– Changed the location of campfires of the attacking side on some bases.

– Fixed an issue where the quest taken from the Registrator of the Kolodnoe event was not displayed in the quest log.

– We managed to reach an agreement with the Adepts of fungus, and they will no longer be invisible.

– Also, Adepts of fungus no longer deal damage through the walls.

– Added an option to enable/disable Bloom in the graphics settings. With Bloom disabled, the number of FPS should increase.

– Reduced the amount of mutants that spawn during the fight with Hive Guardian.

– Changed the location of «Sower of spores», which disappeared for some players during the event in the distribution storage.

– Added a heat zone to all campfires that burn in the «Hive» dungeon.

– Reduced the weight of Personal sprayer-01 and reservoir for pesticides.
