Patch fix. 25.07.24


We present you a list of changes included in today's patch-fix:

– Fixed an issue related to the appearance of artifacts in emerging anomalies on Mount “Shine” on Southern Island.

– Increased the revival timer for Peaty spiders.

– Increased the revival timer for Impenetrables.

– Added missing note No. 3 from the story «Notes from a Survivor from the Radio Station.»

– Removed the hissing sounds in the forests in some locations.

– Adjusted the sounds of revolver Nagant and Makarov Pistol shots.

– Added room acoustics to the main menu.

– Reduced the volume of Forsakens breathing.

– Adjusted the sounds of some mobs and anomalies.

– Added sounds of sliding on different surfaces.

– The battle with the Hive Guardian now has music.
